January 15 2020 | Written by Guest Contributor Pam Nurrie

How to Sell More Brewery Merch

Photo Credit Dogancan Ozturan – Unsplash

8 Ways to Capture Crafty Followers and Get Free Advertising

Who doesn’t love a great t-shirt? Especially a t-shirt that represents your company and craft beer label. Just imagine the possibility of having people walking around your town advertising your brewery.

The best way to build an army of ambassadors is to showcase interesting and well-designed t-shirts. It’s free advertising!

Here are some tips to help make that happen:

1. Have your Servers Wear your Merch and Interact with Customers

Studies have shown that when servers remind customers to make a ‘to-go’ purchase, sales increase by almost 50%. It’s almost guaranteed that saying, “wouldn’t you like to take home a cool new logo t-shirt or comfy hoodie to keep you warm?”to a customer will result in a sale. Get creative by snapping a quick photo for an interactive social post for your platforms.This is good for business and helps build a base of raving fans.

2. Create a Merch Menu

Having your merch displayed in an appealing and organized manner will guarantee success. Increase your sales by showcasing your items often. Think about having a dedicated spot in your brewery for merch that is well displayed  and showcases your unique brewery charm.

3. Create Quality Designs

This is where we come in. For almost sixty years, we’ve been creating new art (both hand-drawn and production). We’ve got a tremendous amount of experience working with clients to Deliver Awesome (that’s our goal!). We put a lot of time into crafting special designs, much like an inventive recipe. We will work with you to help design a product you are proud of.

4. Present Limited Edition Shirts

Craft beer aficionados love new beer releases. Why not market your event and offer special merch that highlights your limited edition release?

5. Give it Away

When you have an event, give away a free t-shirt to a select number of customers. People get passionate about getting free swag.

6. Invest in a T-shirt of the Month Club

A great way to keep your brewery top-of-mind to your customers is to create a T-shirt of the Month Club. Offer a subscription or membership for a small fee. Send t-shirts to your customers on a monthly basis.

7. Reward 

Incentivize guests to become regulars by giving them a t-shirt after 10-pint purchases. You can also tailor rewards and offers to your brewery to keep customers interested and engaged.

8. Keep it Affordable

Let’s be honest. You are in the craft brewery business, not the wholesale decorated apparel business. That’s where we come in. We’ve got a team of artists that can help create the best way to highlight your brand. When you make the shirts affordable, you’ll reap the benefit of selling more while building brand advocates that wear your gear around town and showcase your awesome brewery.

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